Open and Closed Rhinoplasty Results and Plastic Surgeon’s Experience
Some patients report the observation that closed rhinoplasty result may be better than what they saw after an open operation. Does the rhinoplasty surgeon’s experience play a role?
It sure does! Dr. Fechner stresses that the cosmetic outcome after nasal plastic surgery is not determined by the approach – open vs. closed. Much more important is the careful examination of the nose, followed by the appropriate planning and exact execution of the rhinoplasty.
Either technique (endonasal or open) can lead to an excellent cosmetic results for almost every nose. Complex revision surgeries represent an exception: sometimes extensive reconstruction with cartilage grafting (often using cartilage from the rib) may become necessary.
Certainly, many plastic surgeons prefer one technique over the other. This is usually a reflection of the surgeon’s training, experience and comfort.
The choice for the rhinoplasty surgeon is best not be guided by the doctor’s favorite approach (closed or open) but by the patient’s comfort with the surgeon, his experience and prior results.